Sıfırdan farksız Yazılım Kitapları (İngilizce&Türkçe)


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25 Temmuz 2013
Hepsi yeni gibidir

the c programming language - kernighan, ritchie (ciltli) - 10tl
the relational database advisor (elements of pc database design) -kimberly maughen saunders - 10tl
a practical guide to data base design - rex hogan (ciltli) -10tl
introduction to object-oriented databases - won kim (ciltli) -10tl
introduction to databases - 10tl
object oriented design (with applications)- grady booch (ciltli) -10tl
object-oriented databases - gray, kulkarni, paton -10tl
scheduling computer operations- bailey, sahrey, may -10tl
php ile web programcılığı - mehmet şamlı -10tl
ibm pc dos ve microsoft windows kullanıcı kılavuzu -5tl
pic proglamlama el kitabı - nigel gardner -10tl
windows işletim sistemleri - karatepe, ardıok -5tl

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