- #1
Ben 8. sınıfa gidiyorum ve ingilizce öğretmenimiz bir ödev verdi.(uzay ile ilgili hikaye yazılacaktı) ben ilk önce türkçesini bi kağıda yazdım daha sonra bunu google cevırıden cevırdım dogrumu bılmıyorum ıste bu yuzden sızın yardımınıza ıhtıyacım var sımdıden coooooooook tsklr.
Zack's birthday was the day. So making fun of everyone. Beat Cakes, was dancing ... Now the time for gift-giving. Zack books, balls, clothing and toy had taken spaceship. Zack spaceship liked the most. It was evening and it was bedtime. Zack had slept with the spaceship. Soon he began to dream Zack ...
In his dream, calling him one. Zack has learned that the caller's own assistant. Had a spaceship next to the assistant. The same as that to Zack, but this time as a gift not a toy spaceship toys, real-space-ship. Zack was excited. He ran went to the assistant. The assistant handed Zack spacesuit. Zack got on the spaceship after wearing spacesuit. They were bathed in a strange light. '' I always wanted to fly, but now I'm doing something more beautiful and fun.'' Said Zack. Wanted to talk to assistants:
--- What is your name? Said Zack.
The assistant did not speak but little on his chest, had a black screen. What they meant was writing there. Zack a little surprised:'' I know of is the human assistants, but you talk to talk.''
--- Yes.Because I'm an alien, an assistant. We always talk, but we want to say that the display on the breast of the author.
Zack looked out the window of a little spaceship. Moon had come to him. Zack:
--- Why are human, tree, no living things like animals? He showed the moon.
---Organisms can not survive without oxygen for the space here,said an assistant .
After going a little more:'' Monster! .. ''cried Zack.
The assistant put on a mask and took the laser gun. Zack also has the same set. The assistant pressed a button. Calling agent presses the button. Zack with a little afraid, but to save himself an assistant immediately attacked the monster. This is very dangerous. Along with them came agent. Monster was so strong. Zack, Zack's assistant and agent, so struggling. Then it ended with a dangerous attack success.
A message had come aboard the spaceship returned:
Thank you Agen Zack and Agent B. If you were on it to kill the beast, the world would be gone.
Agent A.
They are all very glad ...
Just then Zack woke up. Zack, this is a dream realized what happened was disappointed.
Then told his dream to his family and friends.
They were all very surprised. Now they said Zack Zack
Zack's birthday was the day. So making fun of everyone. Beat Cakes, was dancing ... Now the time for gift-giving. Zack books, balls, clothing and toy had taken spaceship. Zack spaceship liked the most. It was evening and it was bedtime. Zack had slept with the spaceship. Soon he began to dream Zack ...
In his dream, calling him one. Zack has learned that the caller's own assistant. Had a spaceship next to the assistant. The same as that to Zack, but this time as a gift not a toy spaceship toys, real-space-ship. Zack was excited. He ran went to the assistant. The assistant handed Zack spacesuit. Zack got on the spaceship after wearing spacesuit. They were bathed in a strange light. '' I always wanted to fly, but now I'm doing something more beautiful and fun.'' Said Zack. Wanted to talk to assistants:
--- What is your name? Said Zack.
The assistant did not speak but little on his chest, had a black screen. What they meant was writing there. Zack a little surprised:'' I know of is the human assistants, but you talk to talk.''
--- Yes.Because I'm an alien, an assistant. We always talk, but we want to say that the display on the breast of the author.
Zack looked out the window of a little spaceship. Moon had come to him. Zack:
--- Why are human, tree, no living things like animals? He showed the moon.
---Organisms can not survive without oxygen for the space here,said an assistant .
After going a little more:'' Monster! .. ''cried Zack.
The assistant put on a mask and took the laser gun. Zack also has the same set. The assistant pressed a button. Calling agent presses the button. Zack with a little afraid, but to save himself an assistant immediately attacked the monster. This is very dangerous. Along with them came agent. Monster was so strong. Zack, Zack's assistant and agent, so struggling. Then it ended with a dangerous attack success.
A message had come aboard the spaceship returned:
Thank you Agen Zack and Agent B. If you were on it to kill the beast, the world would be gone.
Agent A.
They are all very glad ...
Just then Zack woke up. Zack, this is a dream realized what happened was disappointed.
Then told his dream to his family and friends.
They were all very surprised. Now they said Zack Zack