• Merhaba, Kadınlar Kulübü'ne ÜCRETSİZ üye olarak yorumlar ile katkıda bulunabilir veya aklınıza takılan soruları sorabilirsiniz.

Cumhurbaşkanı Danışmanı Mariam Kavakçı kimdir?


Kaiser, Kılavuz Karga, Tüccar, Polye
Kayıtlı Üye
6 Aralık 2015
Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan'ın imzasıyla Resmi Gazete'de yayımlanan karara göre Mariam Kavakçı Cumhurbaşkanı Danışmanı oldu. Peki Mariam Kavakçı kimdir?


Cumhurbaşkanı Recep Tayyip Erdoğan'ın imzasıyla Resmi Gazete'nin bugünkü sayısında yayımlanan atama kararlarına göre Cumhurbaşkanı Danışmanı görevine Mariam Kavakçı atandı. Atama kararı sonrası internette vatandaşlar tarafından "Cumhurbaşkanı Danışmanı Mariam Kavakçı kimdir?" sorusu araştırılıyor. Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan'a danışman olarak atanan Mariam Kavakçı kimdir? İşte eğitim kariyeri ve hayat hikayesi...

Cumhurbaşkanı Danışmanı olarak göreve atanan Mariam Kavakçı, konuşma dili patoloğu ve iş kadınıdır. Kavakçı'nın araştırma alanları arasında dil işlemenin nörobiyolojik yönleri, motor-dil etkileşimleri, dil bozuklukları ve genomik özellikleri bulunmaktadır.

Mariam Kavakçı'nın ek deneyimleri arasında motor konuşma bozuklukları, fonolojik bozukluklar ayırıcı olarak tanı aldığı bir klinikte çalışmak ve koklear implantları olan çocuklara tedavi ve uygulama işlemi de bulunmaktadır.

Dr. Mariam Kavakçı, 2017 yılında kariyerinin ikinci Yüksek Lisans derecesini Texas Üniversitesi'nde İletişim Bilimleri ve Bozuklukları bölümünde tamamladı.

Fazilet Partisi Milletvekili olarak 2 Mayıs 1999'da TBMM'ye yemin etmek için geldiği sırada, DSP milletvekillerinin alkışlı ve sözlü saldırılarına maruz kalan ve şu anda Kuala Lumpur Büyükelçisi olan Merve Kavakçı'nın kızı olan Mariam Kavakçı, aynı zamanda AKP İstanbul Milletvekili olan Ravza Kavakçı'nın da yeğenidir.

CVsini olduğu gibi aktarıyorum

Mariam Kavakci
Ph.D in Communication Sciences and Disorders
University of Texas at Dallas
Anticipated graduation: May 2016
M.S. in Communication Disorders
University of Texas at Dallas
Graduated in December 2012
B.A. in Psychology
George Mason University
Graduated in May 2010
Callier Center for Communication Disorders
Speech-Language Pathologist
Evaluating, diagnosing, and treating children with speech, language, and cognitive
communication disorders
Baylor Medical Center
Dysphagia Clinic
Administered modified barium swallow studies
Diagnosed swallowing disorders within the geriatric population
Educated patients and families on swallowing disorders
U.T. Southwestern Medical Center
Medical Internship
Diagnosed and treated speech, language, cognitive-communicative, and swallowing disorders within
the geriatric population in an outpatient facility
Served on a multidisciplinary team
Educated patients and families on speech, language, and swallowing disorders
Callier Diagnostic Clinic
Callier Center for Communication Disorders, Dallas, Texas
Differentially diagnosed children with motor speech disorders
University Park Elementary School
Highland Park Independent School District, Dallas, Texas
Assessed children with speech and language disorders
Differentiated language disorder from language difference in a bilingual population
Planned and provided individual and group speech and language therapy to children with language
learning disorders, articulation disorders, and auditory processing disorder.
START (Strategy Training and Response to Therapy) Program
Teaching parents to facilitate positive communicative interactions with their child by implementing
appropriate strategies
Communication Learning Center
Callier Center for Communication Disorders, Dallas, Texas
Assessed adults with left hemisphere stroke, aphasia, dysarthria, and voice disorders
Prepared and provided individual treatment for adult clients with neurogenic speech and language
disorders and voice disorders.
Page 2
Collaborated with other clinicians to create and deliver group therapy to adult clients with neurogenic
disorders and traumatic brain injuries
Cochlear Implant Camp, Dallas, Texas
Callier Center for Communication Disorders Summer Listening Camp
Leading camp activities such as fishing, art projects, and music while targeting listening and speech-
language therapy goals
Early CLASS (Early Communication Language and Social Skills)
Callier Center for Communication Disorders, Dallas, Texas
Classroom-based intensive speech, language and communication program for children on the autistic
spectrum (ages 3 - 5 years)
Utilized a social-pragmatic approach for enhancing language, communication, and social relatedness
Assessed a child showing characteristics along the spectrum of pervasive developmental disorders
Integrated language stimulation and individualized play-based intervention for a child at risk for an
autistic spectrum disorder
American Psychological Association, Washington, DC
Public Interest Directorate, Office of Ethnic Minority Affairs
Conducting research and writing reports on public policy issues
Working in collaboration with the Government Relations Office
Parent-Child Health Project George Washington University, Washington D.C.
George Washington University Medical Center
Data entry and management
Examined the development of anxiety disorders in children who have parents with anxiety disorders
British Parliament, London, U.K.
Intern at the House of Lords
Wrote summary briefs regarding a variety of policy issues
Hosted and assisted Turkish Foreign Minister, Ahmet Davutoglu
Kavakci, M. (2013, March). Exploring a Model of Working Memory.
Kavakci, M., Berry, B., Bonifert, S., Lougeay, J. (2012, April). Developing Response to Early Parent Training in
Autism: Parent Perception of START (Strategy Training & Response to Therapy). A Retrospective Study. Poster
presented at the Callier Center's Promotion of Academic and Clinical Excellence (P.A.C.E.) Student Research
Forum, Dallas, Texas.
Abushanab, Mariam. (2010).Mentoring Programs: What Works and What Doesn’t Work. Communique, American
Psychological Association.
Abushanab, Mariam. (2010). Accreditation Bodies and Diversity Standards. Communique, American Psychological
Abushanab, M. (2011, July/August). The Prophet’s Speech. Islamic Horizons. 54.
• Award nominee at the Callier Center for Communication Disorders, Spring 2012
• Youngest Graduate of George Mason University, Age 19
• George Mason University Dean’s List - Fall 2008, Spring 2009, Summer 2009, Fall 2009, Spring 2010
• International Society of Political Psychology Member, 2009
• Society for Research in Child Development Member, 2009

Evet oldukça uzun değil mi? Işin ilginç yanı kendisi George Mason üniversitesinin en geç mezunudur. (2019'da mezun olmuş.) ve tüm bu bilgiler sadece psikoloji bölümünden mezun olup yüksek lisans yapmış birine aittir.
Tüm bu başarılarına ek bir başarı olarak kurdukları ve yönettikleri bir de Hedge Fund var.


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Ama okadar guzel resimi varken bu sıkıcı resmi niye koydunki arkadaşım :KK53:

Masallah masallah subhanallah, ilk defa görenler beğensin...
Gazete haberini değiştirmek istemedim :D
Ehh tabi bunlar da ufak detaylar, açmış olduğu birçok blog ve sosyal medya hesapları kapanmış.. Fakat internet üzerinden bir şeyin tamamen silinmesi pek mümkün olmuyor :dondurma:
Bizim gördüğümüz ya da şöyle söyleyeyim "diğerleri arasından seçilip görmemize izin verilen" (aklıma ayakkabı geldi :kızgın:) fotoğraflar yer almakta sitelerde.
Birkaç güne onları da kaldırmaya çalışırlar , diğerlerini yok etmeye çalıştıkları gibi :)
Hem başarılı hem de aşşırı eğlenceli bir danışman. Zaten aile boyu liyakatli insanlarmış ki hepsi meclislerde. Genetik yani...
CVsini olduğu gibi aktarıyorum

Mariam Kavakci
Ph.D in Communication Sciences and Disorders
University of Texas at Dallas
Anticipated graduation: May 2016
M.S. in Communication Disorders
University of Texas at Dallas
Graduated in December 2012
B.A. in Psychology
George Mason University
Graduated in May 2010
Callier Center for Communication Disorders
Speech-Language Pathologist
Evaluating, diagnosing, and treating children with speech, language, and cognitive
communication disorders
Baylor Medical Center
Dysphagia Clinic
Administered modified barium swallow studies
Diagnosed swallowing disorders within the geriatric population
Educated patients and families on swallowing disorders
U.T. Southwestern Medical Center
Medical Internship
Diagnosed and treated speech, language, cognitive-communicative, and swallowing disorders within
the geriatric population in an outpatient facility
Served on a multidisciplinary team
Educated patients and families on speech, language, and swallowing disorders
Callier Diagnostic Clinic
Callier Center for Communication Disorders, Dallas, Texas
Differentially diagnosed children with motor speech disorders
University Park Elementary School
Highland Park Independent School District, Dallas, Texas
Assessed children with speech and language disorders
Differentiated language disorder from language difference in a bilingual population
Planned and provided individual and group speech and language therapy to children with language
learning disorders, articulation disorders, and auditory processing disorder.
START (Strategy Training and Response to Therapy) Program
Teaching parents to facilitate positive communicative interactions with their child by implementing
appropriate strategies
Communication Learning Center
Callier Center for Communication Disorders, Dallas, Texas
Assessed adults with left hemisphere stroke, aphasia, dysarthria, and voice disorders
Prepared and provided individual treatment for adult clients with neurogenic speech and language
disorders and voice disorders.
Page 2
Collaborated with other clinicians to create and deliver group therapy to adult clients with neurogenic
disorders and traumatic brain injuries
Cochlear Implant Camp, Dallas, Texas
Callier Center for Communication Disorders Summer Listening Camp
Leading camp activities such as fishing, art projects, and music while targeting listening and speech-
language therapy goals
Early CLASS (Early Communication Language and Social Skills)
Callier Center for Communication Disorders, Dallas, Texas
Classroom-based intensive speech, language and communication program for children on the autistic
spectrum (ages 3 - 5 years)
Utilized a social-pragmatic approach for enhancing language, communication, and social relatedness
Assessed a child showing characteristics along the spectrum of pervasive developmental disorders
Integrated language stimulation and individualized play-based intervention for a child at risk for an
autistic spectrum disorder
American Psychological Association, Washington, DC
Public Interest Directorate, Office of Ethnic Minority Affairs
Conducting research and writing reports on public policy issues
Working in collaboration with the Government Relations Office
Parent-Child Health Project George Washington University, Washington D.C.
George Washington University Medical Center
Data entry and management
Examined the development of anxiety disorders in children who have parents with anxiety disorders
British Parliament, London, U.K.
Intern at the House of Lords
Wrote summary briefs regarding a variety of policy issues
Hosted and assisted Turkish Foreign Minister, Ahmet Davutoglu
Kavakci, M. (2013, March). Exploring a Model of Working Memory.
Kavakci, M., Berry, B., Bonifert, S., Lougeay, J. (2012, April). Developing Response to Early Parent Training in
Autism: Parent Perception of START (Strategy Training & Response to Therapy). A Retrospective Study. Poster
presented at the Callier Center's Promotion of Academic and Clinical Excellence (P.A.C.E.) Student Research
Forum, Dallas, Texas.
Abushanab, Mariam. (2010).Mentoring Programs: What Works and What Doesn’t Work. Communique, American
Psychological Association.
Abushanab, Mariam. (2010). Accreditation Bodies and Diversity Standards. Communique, American Psychological
Abushanab, M. (2011, July/August). The Prophet’s Speech. Islamic Horizons. 54.
• Award nominee at the Callier Center for Communication Disorders, Spring 2012
• Youngest Graduate of George Mason University, Age 19
• George Mason University Dean’s List - Fall 2008, Spring 2009, Summer 2009, Fall 2009, Spring 2010
• International Society of Political Psychology Member, 2009
• Society for Research in Child Development Member, 2009

Evet oldukça uzun değil mi? Işin ilginç yanı kendisi George Mason üniversitesinin en geç mezunudur. (2019'da mezun olmuş.) ve tüm bu bilgiler sadece psikoloji bölümünden mezun olup yüksek lisans yapmış birine aittir.

Bu bir şaka mı? Böyle bir cv olması mümkün mü?(60 yaşından önce):oha:
Bu bir şaka mı? Böyle bir cv olması mümkün mü?(60 yaşından önce):oha:

kim inceleyecek allasen diye akıllarına geleni eklemişler, bir insanın 7-8 ömürde yapacağı birikimi 21 yılda yapmış ama yine de acayip pozlar vermekten geri kalmamış :KK53: o değil de müslüman noel kutlamaz diyenlerin hanım kızımızın kırmızı elbise, bordo oje ve 18 cm topuklarıyla noel selfiesi atması ne ka datlu değil mi :KK53: işin garibi bence bu kız danışman olarak kalsın, en azından kafasına göre giyinen kapalı kızları kemiremez artık bir kesim, iyi olmuş..
Bu kızcağız 21 yaşında mı???? :oha::oha:

kim inceleyecek allasen diye akıllarına geleni eklemişler

Teyit etmeye kalkanın kafadan bir yılı gider zaten. :KK48:

bence bu kız danışman olarak kalsın, en azından kafasına göre giyinen kapalı kızları kemiremez artık bir kesim, iyi olmuş..

Katılıyorum, bunu olumlu bir gelişme olarak görüyor ve kendisine başarılar diliyorum.:super:
ya ben iyimser bakamıyorum olaya. ciddiyim, bu kadar yetenekli ve zeki gençler harcanırken nasıl bunlar piramidin tepesinde yaşayabiliyor anlayamıyorum. saygı da duyamıyorum . zorluyorum, yok olmuyor :D
konuyu da açtım ki ilerde birisi bana ''neden ülkende yaşayamadın?' diye sorarsa açtığım konulardan rahatça bulup gösterebileyim sebebini.
ya ben iyimser bakamıyorum olaya. ciddiyim, bu kadar yetenekli ve zeki gençler harcanırken nasıl bunlar piramidin tepesinde yaşayabiliyor anlayamıyorum. saygı da duyamıyorum . zorluyorum, yok olmuyor :KK70:
konuyu da açtım ki ilerde birisi bana ''neden ülkende yaşayamadın?' diye sorarsa açtığım konulardan rahatça bulup gösterebileyim sebebini.

yok yaw iyimser değilim, allah beter etsin kıvamındayım :27: ilerisi olacak mı çok emin olamadığımdan bence o soruyu sormayacaklar dantes'im :)
CVsini olduğu gibi aktarıyorum

Mariam Kavakci
Ph.D in Communication Sciences and Disorders
University of Texas at Dallas
Anticipated graduation: May 2016
M.S. in Communication Disorders
University of Texas at Dallas
Graduated in December 2012
B.A. in Psychology
George Mason University
Graduated in May 2010
Callier Center for Communication Disorders
Speech-Language Pathologist
Evaluating, diagnosing, and treating children with speech, language, and cognitive
communication disorders
Baylor Medical Center
Dysphagia Clinic
Administered modified barium swallow studies
Diagnosed swallowing disorders within the geriatric population
Educated patients and families on swallowing disorders
U.T. Southwestern Medical Center
Medical Internship
Diagnosed and treated speech, language, cognitive-communicative, and swallowing disorders within
the geriatric population in an outpatient facility
Served on a multidisciplinary team
Educated patients and families on speech, language, and swallowing disorders
Callier Diagnostic Clinic
Callier Center for Communication Disorders, Dallas, Texas
Differentially diagnosed children with motor speech disorders
University Park Elementary School
Highland Park Independent School District, Dallas, Texas
Assessed children with speech and language disorders
Differentiated language disorder from language difference in a bilingual population
Planned and provided individual and group speech and language therapy to children with language
learning disorders, articulation disorders, and auditory processing disorder.
START (Strategy Training and Response to Therapy) Program
Teaching parents to facilitate positive communicative interactions with their child by implementing
appropriate strategies
Communication Learning Center
Callier Center for Communication Disorders, Dallas, Texas
Assessed adults with left hemisphere stroke, aphasia, dysarthria, and voice disorders
Prepared and provided individual treatment for adult clients with neurogenic speech and language
disorders and voice disorders.
Page 2
Collaborated with other clinicians to create and deliver group therapy to adult clients with neurogenic
disorders and traumatic brain injuries
Cochlear Implant Camp, Dallas, Texas
Callier Center for Communication Disorders Summer Listening Camp
Leading camp activities such as fishing, art projects, and music while targeting listening and speech-
language therapy goals
Early CLASS (Early Communication Language and Social Skills)
Callier Center for Communication Disorders, Dallas, Texas
Classroom-based intensive speech, language and communication program for children on the autistic
spectrum (ages 3 - 5 years)
Utilized a social-pragmatic approach for enhancing language, communication, and social relatedness
Assessed a child showing characteristics along the spectrum of pervasive developmental disorders
Integrated language stimulation and individualized play-based intervention for a child at risk for an
autistic spectrum disorder
American Psychological Association, Washington, DC
Public Interest Directorate, Office of Ethnic Minority Affairs
Conducting research and writing reports on public policy issues
Working in collaboration with the Government Relations Office
Parent-Child Health Project George Washington University, Washington D.C.
George Washington University Medical Center
Data entry and management
Examined the development of anxiety disorders in children who have parents with anxiety disorders
British Parliament, London, U.K.
Intern at the House of Lords
Wrote summary briefs regarding a variety of policy issues
Hosted and assisted Turkish Foreign Minister, Ahmet Davutoglu
Kavakci, M. (2013, March). Exploring a Model of Working Memory.
Kavakci, M., Berry, B., Bonifert, S., Lougeay, J. (2012, April). Developing Response to Early Parent Training in
Autism: Parent Perception of START (Strategy Training & Response to Therapy). A Retrospective Study. Poster
presented at the Callier Center's Promotion of Academic and Clinical Excellence (P.A.C.E.) Student Research
Forum, Dallas, Texas.
Abushanab, Mariam. (2010).Mentoring Programs: What Works and What Doesn’t Work. Communique, American
Psychological Association.
Abushanab, Mariam. (2010). Accreditation Bodies and Diversity Standards. Communique, American Psychological
Abushanab, M. (2011, July/August). The Prophet’s Speech. Islamic Horizons. 54.
• Award nominee at the Callier Center for Communication Disorders, Spring 2012
• Youngest Graduate of George Mason University, Age 19
• George Mason University Dean’s List - Fall 2008, Spring 2009, Summer 2009, Fall 2009, Spring 2010
• International Society of Political Psychology Member, 2009
• Society for Research in Child Development Member, 2009

Evet oldukça uzun değil mi? Işin ilginç yanı kendisi George Mason üniversitesinin en geç mezunudur. (2019'da mezun olmuş.) ve tüm bu bilgiler sadece psikoloji bölümünden mezun olup yüksek lisans yapmış birine aittir.
Iyi yine Allah ilan etmemisler torpilli bacimizi
Evet oldukça uzun değil mi? Işin ilginç yanı kendisi George Mason üniversitesinin en geç mezunudur. (2019'da mezun olmuş.) ve tüm bu bilgiler sadece psikoloji bölümünden mezun olup yüksek lisans yapmış birine aittir.

_-Dantes-_ _-Dantes-_ Simdi 19 yasinda hanim kizimiz üniversiteyi bitirmis. Ve bu 2010 yilindaymis. Su an 2019 dayiz. Nasil 21 yasinda oluyor? Anlayamadim, zaman akpli'lere farklimi isliyor? :KK53:

Ki bu halde 15 yasinda üniversiteye baslamasina bile deginmiyorum. Doktorasini 4 yilda almasina hicbirsey demiyecegim tabi.
CVsini olduğu gibi aktarıyorum

Mariam Kavakci
Ph.D in Communication Sciences and Disorders
University of Texas at Dallas
Anticipated graduation: May 2016
M.S. in Communication Disorders
University of Texas at Dallas
Graduated in December 2012
B.A. in Psychology
George Mason University
Graduated in May 2010
Callier Center for Communication Disorders
Speech-Language Pathologist
Evaluating, diagnosing, and treating children with speech, language, and cognitive
communication disorders
Baylor Medical Center
Dysphagia Clinic
Administered modified barium swallow studies
Diagnosed swallowing disorders within the geriatric population
Educated patients and families on swallowing disorders
U.T. Southwestern Medical Center
Medical Internship
Diagnosed and treated speech, language, cognitive-communicative, and swallowing disorders within
the geriatric population in an outpatient facility
Served on a multidisciplinary team
Educated patients and families on speech, language, and swallowing disorders
Callier Diagnostic Clinic
Callier Center for Communication Disorders, Dallas, Texas
Differentially diagnosed children with motor speech disorders
University Park Elementary School
Highland Park Independent School District, Dallas, Texas
Assessed children with speech and language disorders
Differentiated language disorder from language difference in a bilingual population
Planned and provided individual and group speech and language therapy to children with language
learning disorders, articulation disorders, and auditory processing disorder.
START (Strategy Training and Response to Therapy) Program
Teaching parents to facilitate positive communicative interactions with their child by implementing
appropriate strategies
Communication Learning Center
Callier Center for Communication Disorders, Dallas, Texas
Assessed adults with left hemisphere stroke, aphasia, dysarthria, and voice disorders
Prepared and provided individual treatment for adult clients with neurogenic speech and language
disorders and voice disorders.
Page 2
Collaborated with other clinicians to create and deliver group therapy to adult clients with neurogenic
disorders and traumatic brain injuries
Cochlear Implant Camp, Dallas, Texas
Callier Center for Communication Disorders Summer Listening Camp
Leading camp activities such as fishing, art projects, and music while targeting listening and speech-
language therapy goals
Early CLASS (Early Communication Language and Social Skills)
Callier Center for Communication Disorders, Dallas, Texas
Classroom-based intensive speech, language and communication program for children on the autistic
spectrum (ages 3 - 5 years)
Utilized a social-pragmatic approach for enhancing language, communication, and social relatedness
Assessed a child showing characteristics along the spectrum of pervasive developmental disorders
Integrated language stimulation and individualized play-based intervention for a child at risk for an
autistic spectrum disorder
American Psychological Association, Washington, DC
Public Interest Directorate, Office of Ethnic Minority Affairs
Conducting research and writing reports on public policy issues
Working in collaboration with the Government Relations Office
Parent-Child Health Project George Washington University, Washington D.C.
George Washington University Medical Center
Data entry and management
Examined the development of anxiety disorders in children who have parents with anxiety disorders
British Parliament, London, U.K.
Intern at the House of Lords
Wrote summary briefs regarding a variety of policy issues
Hosted and assisted Turkish Foreign Minister, Ahmet Davutoglu
Kavakci, M. (2013, March). Exploring a Model of Working Memory.
Kavakci, M., Berry, B., Bonifert, S., Lougeay, J. (2012, April). Developing Response to Early Parent Training in
Autism: Parent Perception of START (Strategy Training & Response to Therapy). A Retrospective Study. Poster
presented at the Callier Center's Promotion of Academic and Clinical Excellence (P.A.C.E.) Student Research
Forum, Dallas, Texas.
Abushanab, Mariam. (2010).Mentoring Programs: What Works and What Doesn’t Work. Communique, American
Psychological Association.
Abushanab, Mariam. (2010). Accreditation Bodies and Diversity Standards. Communique, American Psychological
Abushanab, M. (2011, July/August). The Prophet’s Speech. Islamic Horizons. 54.
• Award nominee at the Callier Center for Communication Disorders, Spring 2012
• Youngest Graduate of George Mason University, Age 19
• George Mason University Dean’s List - Fall 2008, Spring 2009, Summer 2009, Fall 2009, Spring 2010
• International Society of Political Psychology Member, 2009
• Society for Research in Child Development Member, 2009

Evet oldukça uzun değil mi? Işin ilginç yanı kendisi George Mason üniversitesinin en geç mezunudur. (2019'da mezun olmuş.) ve tüm bu bilgiler sadece psikoloji bölümünden mezun olup yüksek lisans yapmış birine aittir.
Sanatçı burda neyi anlatmak istemiş :27:
kim inceleyecek allasen diye akıllarına geleni eklemişler, bir insanın 7-8 ömürde yapacağı birikimi 21 yılda yapmış ama yine de acayip pozlar vermekten geri kalmamış :KK53: o değil de müslüman noel kutlamaz diyenlerin hanım kızımızın kırmızı elbise, bordo oje ve 18 cm topuklarıyla noel selfiesi atması ne ka datlu değil mi :KK53: işin garibi bence bu kız danışman olarak kalsın, en azından kafasına göre giyinen kapalı kızları kemiremez artık bir kesim, iyi olmuş..
Nerde o foto happy crismis cınım :27:
_-Dantes-_ _-Dantes-_ Simdi 19 yasinda hanim kizimiz üniversiteyi bitirmis. Ve bu 2010 yilindaymis. Su an 2019 dayiz. Nasil 21 yasinda oluyor? Anlayamadim, zaman akpli'lere farklimi isliyor? :KK53:

Ki bu halde 15 yasinda üniversiteye baslamasina bile deginmiyorum. Doktorasini 4 yilda almasina hicbirsey demiyecegim tabi.

Ehehehe :D asıl kayıtlara göre en geç mezun ama bağzı kişilerin hatrına öyle olmamış gibi yapıyoruz çaktırmayın :D