hello kayzee.how are you darling.ı cant understand about you where are you from ?ı thınk you wıll comıng to turkey for breast estetic.come darling.reelly you can trust turkısh doktor.
ı havent got operation for breast estetik yet but ı wanna be operation as soon as.ıf you ask someting you can ask all tıme and ı am sure every gırl ın thıs here you can help.
ıf you want come antalya ( ANTALYA is big tourism city in turkey ) ı can help.
hello kayzee.how are you darling.ı cant understand about you where are you from ?ı thınk you wıll comıng to turkey for breast estetic.come darling.reelly you can trust turkısh doktor.
ı havent got operation for breast estetik yet but ı wanna be operation as soon as.ıf you ask someting you can ask all tıme and ı am sure every gırl ın thıs here you can help.
ıf you want come antalya ( ANTALYA is big tourism city in turkey ) ı can help.
I am from GErmany.... I want to get my nose and my breasts done :) I chose baris cakir...I have ohny heard and seen good work of him... still I am very scared and excited :)
I am from GErmany.... I want to get my nose and my breasts done :) I chose baris cakir...I have ohny heard and seen good work of him... still I am very scared and excited :)
of course worry about ıt.it is a operation but ı thınk, dont scare.estetic operation is not hard.too many women get it estetic operation now.you can trust.but ıt ıs ımportent.when you come to turkey you need somebody about language.ı thınk you dont now turkısh.what do you do about it.you wıll need somethıng.do you have a frıends ın turkey , in istanbul.is your doctor can talk your language or english for you?ı hope you can do easy everyting darling
language is not the problem... I have family in turkey they will pick me up and will come with me every day...but my doctor speeks english very good...
language is not the problem... I have family in turkey they will pick me up and will come with me every day...but my doctor speeks english very good...