Amerika'nın en büyük giyinme odası geçen hafta soyuldu


Kayıtlı Üye
28 Mart 2008
3.000 metrekarelik, üç katlı bir soyunma ve giyinme odası geçen hafta sonu soyuldu..
sahibi Theresa Roemerın büyük bir Birkin ve Christian Louboutin koleksiyonu vardı.
Görünüşe göre : Amerika'nın en büyük giyinme odasına hırsız banyo penceresinden girmiş ve 1.000.000 $ lık malzemeyle i kaçmış.


by Randy Miller8/04/14 307 Reactions 6.4K Shares Print
404 4.6K 281 1.1K 1


Remember that 3,000-square-foot, $500,000, three-story closet we introduced you to last week? The one that proud owner Theresa Roemer filled with a m
Source: Chinh Phan for Neiman Marcus
1If You Can't See It, You Won't Wear It

"There’s no such thing as tucking it in a drawer; everything must be visible, or it will not be worn, so explore open shelving options to make sure all items are visible."
Source: Chinh Phan for Neiman Marcus

Source: Chinh Phan for Neiman Marcus

Source: Chinh Phan for Neiman Marcus

2Use Good Lighting

"Treat your closet like an additional room in your house; don’t use it to hide items, use it to display. This also makes it easier to see everything more clearly."
Source: Chinh Phan for Neiman Marcus

Source: Chinh Phan for Neiman Marcus

Source: Chinh Phan for Neiman Marcus

3Customize Your Space

"If you have lots of handbags, you may need more shelves; lots of shoes, a shoe rack to hold them all. The design of your closet should fit your individual needs."
Source: Chinh Phan for Neiman Marcus

Source: Chinh Phan for Neiman Marcus

Source: Chinh Phan for Neiman Marcus

4Use Extra Wall Space

"Hooks and dowels can make use of empty wall space to hang bags, robes, even belts or ties; and scarves look beautiful hung on towel racks."
Source: Chinh Phan for Neiman Marcus

Source: Chinh Phan for Neiman Marcus

5Invest in Good-Quality Materials

If you spend a little more on hangers, ". . . Your clothes will thank you, and the uniformity of your closet will immediately increase."
Source: Chinh Phan for Neiman Marcus

Source: Chinh Phan for Neiman Marcus

Source: Chinh Phan for Neiman Marcus

6Place Like Items Together

"Your space will look neat and tidy with all like items housed in the same area."
Source: Chinh Phan for Neiman Marcus

Source: Chinh Phan for Neiman Marcus

Source: Chinh Phan for Neiman Marcus

7Rotate Items Seasonally

"If you don't wear it or it doesn't fit, toss it."
Source: Chinh Phan for Neiman Marcus

Source: Chinh Phan for Neiman Marcus
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burayı temizlemek için temizlik şirketi komple geliyor herhalde :27:

benim ruhum fakir, konuya yaptığım yoruma bak :14:
odaymış bu evi düşün bir de sen :27: müze gibi gezdirip para alırdım benim olaydı eyiydi :60:

Evi düşünemedim şimdi okadar hayal gücüm kuvvetli değil :53: ahahaha bu oda seni olaydı gezdirip para almana gerek olmazdı off bence :27: bence hırsızlar kadın :60:
Vavvv. Insanin böyle bir giyinme odasi olacak ki varya tum sulale evden cikmaz :-) :-) :-)